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Gibco's MRF Dry Mortar Additive Admixtures to enhance the performance of masonry mortars & cement based plaster 8 oz treats 22 Gals of water. 32 ounce jar treats 90 plus gallons of water that you use with your mortar mix. Greater resistance to freeze & thaw Replaces lime Reduces water penetration No efflorescence Lower batch cost Reduced shrinkage Less storage & handling Avoids waste Less call backs Non-tonic, non-hazardous
GIBCO'S DRY is a highly concentrated admixture designed as a replacement for lime in masonry mortar and cement plaster mortars. This product serves 3 basic functions in cement mortar. 1. Plasticizer: To give the contractor the desired workability 2. Air Entraining: Also for workability and greater resistance to freeze & thaw. 3. Water Reducer To increase compressive and bond strength. The dosage rate for GIBCO'S Dry is 1 ounce per 94 pounds of Portland Cement type I or II.