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The Callaway 50 Linear Fireplace from Kozy Heat is not only highly customizable, but also offers a flame quality that will warm your entire home. With its optional heat transfer kit, you can even carry the comfort into multiple rooms. With the Callaway 50, let your creative energy flow freely while heating your home efficiently.
Standard Features Viewing Area: 13 3/8” x 49 7/8” 35,500 High/18,500 Low BTU/hr Input - NG 35,000 High/18,000 Low BTU/hr Input - LP Electronic Ignition (IPI) Engineer - Designed burner System Certified to ANSI Z21.88 Vented Gas Heater Ceramic Glass Efficiencies IPI - ENERGUIDE P.4 NG/LP | 72.52% / 73.73% - Steady State NG/LP | 73.54% / 74.21% - AFUE % NG/LP | 73.92% / 75.33%